Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness presents itself in different ways for different people.  Today, in the midst of a New England Nor’easter, my idea of happiness would be a warm blanket, some fleece socks, and hours of Netflix.  These are the days I dream about – nothing to do and nowhere to be – pure happiness.  While this scenario (glorious as it may be) shall construct itself later, for now I am left to take on a sink full of dishes, a floor strewn with dust bunnies, and a plethora of unwrapped Christmas gifts before my work week, inevitably, begins again tomorrow.  By the way, I will apologize in advance for my amplified use of the word “plethora,” it’s one of my faves.

There are blogs upon blogs detailing women who save their families a million dollars are year with their impressive bargaining skills, affinity for crafts, and superhero parenting abilities; this blog is none of those things.  I am a young professional.  I know (and enjoy) very little in regards to cooking and I can butcher any craft I encounter.  I am becoming used to a new career, a not-so-new love, and a whole lot of responsibilities.  I am not confident and I am not established.  I am in transition. 

This blog is a way for me to wade through this time in my life, my career, and my love.  I need to hold myself accountable for my new (and old) responsibilities if I am ever to be found in transition.

Our cozy Christmas corner on this snowy day.

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